Hey everyone, I'm sorry to land in your emails like that.
I should have cleared things up beforehand.
Hello everyone, I’m Vritant. This is White Space. And I have done something seriously mischievous, without even realizing it. Until this started to happen: Email disabled for White Space x 6. My personal email was flooded with emails from people unsubscribing from White Space.
That’s uncommon, I’d wonder. It had never quite happened in my lifetime that I’d gotten emails from half a dozen people all unsubscribing in one go.
Then something crossed my mind. And before I could realize and correct my mistakes, it was already too late. There’s no way I can ask those six people to come back who once found enough value in the newsletter that they thought of subscribing, and then, thanks to my mischief, decided to unsubscribe. I have made peace with the fact that I have lost them forever.
Sorry Juliana, Earl, Jessica, Howard, Leon, and Ali.
So what was my mistake, you ask? I had not published this newsletter for a while. My college had started, and I got busy there. Though I occasionally wrote on Medium, my Substack took a hit and did not see new posts for upwards of six months.
I came here, read all that I had missed in the meantime, and quietly went away. I have made a separate label for my Substack newsletters in my Gmail. It’s just another fancy way of segregating newsletters from other emails. When I made it, I wanted to make reading Substacks the last thing before I went to sleep. It used to be—and still is—so soul-satisfying to me. But now, there are 3,536 unread emails under that label.
All in all, I was disconnected from everything Substack. I rarely visited the platform, rarely opened the label where all the Substack emails and newsletters reside, and rarely Substack-ed. Then I thought I’d come back to the platform since I’m currently having my semester break at my uni.
I unknowingly spammed the inboxes by sending three posts in two days and two posts in 24 hours.
The posts:
[Bluesky is Building a Payment Platform and Why Should We Care]
[This Drug (Medicine) Has Been Named the 2024 Breakthrough of the Year]
[Why You Should Learn the Art of Storytelling and Marketing To Shine as a Writer]
Those three articles aren’t even remotely related to any niche. While the first post is about social media and technology, the second one is about science and scientific development. The third jumps distinctly to the topic of writing and marketing. These three posts will separately suit in three different Substacks.
And that’s my biggest mistake: I didn’t inform my readers beforehand about this (kind of) fundamental change that’s coming to this publication. Some time ago, I informed y’all, through this post, why I’m deciding to move to Substack as my primary writing platform. Away from my current Medium. If you want to know more, or the exact reasons behind the same, please read the linked post.
But, I’m a silly teenager. At the time of writing this post, I’m an 18-year-old, who’s pursuing his undergrad from a law school. That’s no less than a trauma in itself. (Just kidding. Only during assignment submission & exam times are hell.)
So here’s the fundamental step: clearing the scope of this publication. It’s wide, and I want to talk—in a heartfelt manner, through a heartfelt medium—about some shares of life and more that capture my interests.
I have updated the same on the About page of my publication. But unfortunately, I missed sending an email.
Here’s from my About page:
White Space is the result of a teenager documenting how he’s exploring and discovering things in life. You’ll read on a variety of topics including, but not limited to:
articles that help you become a better “digital-first writer.”
read: What being an editor for 2+ years has taught me about writingpersonal life, sneak peek into law school (sometimes), and anything that’s on my mind.
read: Why am I moving to Substack despite being disappointed with the platformcontemporary ‘digital’ writing, critique pieces, and commentary.
read: Desk Notes #1: Commentary on Contemporary Writingtechnology, scientific development, media and commentary on the latest in tech.
read: Bluesky is Building a Payment Platform and Why Should We Care
I know this change will bring some more subscriptions to an end. Maybe a pledge or so too. I feel sad whenever I see someone unsubscribing. Wouldn’t it hurt almost every other writer to see their subscribers part ways? But, ultimately, it’s happening for a bigger good. The last thing I want to do through my writings and works is to not add any value to my reader’s life. I’d want—eternally want—my readers to spend their time where they get value.
It’s okay to part ways. It’s okay to leave. The thing that matters the most is that we had a good time together. We were nice all this while. We spent a portion of our priceless lives together. Through reading and writing.
I’m happy. I’m content.
This is the clarifying email for anyone whom I have disturbed over this weekend. I’m sorry to ruin it. If you still want to read my work, thank you so much. You’re the best! But in case, this publication has become something that’s not quite your type (or vibe? What do they say?), then please unsubscribe. No hard feelings. You’re the best as well :)
Signing off!